REPORT OUTAGES 24/7- CALL (866) 352-9044
Reporting Outages
Report all power outages by calling CCEC directly at 866-352-9044, even if you think others have already reported it. If it is after normal business hours, a weekend, or holiday, your call will automatically transfer to CCEC's 24-hour dispatch center. Remember, never report an outage using email or social media because those services are not monitored 24/7.
When reporting an outage, be ready to provide the following information
- Your name
- Your physical address
- How long you have been without power
- Report any unusual events, sights, or sounds on or near your property, especially around CCEC equipment, that might have caused a power outage.
Outage Updates
During large outages or severe weather events, CCEC will provide members with the best available information. Check this page or our Facebook feed for updates.
- Our Facebook feed is not connected to our outage-reporting system
- Our social media channels are not monitored 24/7
- Always report outages by calling (866) 352-9044
While we take every power outage seriously, we typically only post information about outages that:
- Last longer than one hour
- Affect a large number of cooperative members
How Do Power Restoration Efforts Work?
When there is a significant power outage in our service area, CCEC mobilizes crews to restore service regardless of weather conditions. The time of restoration can vary significantly, depending on the extent of the outage. Minor localized outages can often be resolved within a few hours, but when disruptions are widespread, it may require several days of dedicated effort to restore power to all members affected.
To better grasp the restoration process, consider the analogy of a tree. Just as a tree starts at its roots and extends through its trunk to its branches, our power restoration process begins at the heart of CCEC’s electric system and radiates outward to the affected areas.
In this analogy, the repair of transmission lines mirrors the role of the tree’s trunk. These transmission lines form the foundation of our power supply and serve as the initial focus for restoration efforts. Once these critical repairs are completed, the restoration process progresses to the larger branches, which represent the distribution supply lines. These distribution lines carry electricity away from the transmission lines to specific groups of members, much like branches distribute nutrients to different parts of a tree. Restoring power at this level can energize entire neighborhoods or sections of CCEC’s service area.
Lastly, restoration efforts extend to the tree’s smaller branches. CCEC’s restoration team works methodically, moving from larger to smaller branches, and making sure that power is restored to all members affected by the outage. It is important to note that restoration to the smallest branches cannot occur until repairs have been made up to this point.